Friday 7 November 2014

Liberty Belle: Chit Chat With Florrie

As part of the ‘Coffee House Sessions’ tour, Sheffield University was treated to an acoustic performance from Florrie recently. The singer, who has also played drums for Girls Aloud, showcased her new single ‘Little White Lies’ alongside reworked versions of songs by George Ezra and Imagine Dragons. We caught up with her afterwards for chit chat.

Hi Florrie!

You’re currently finishing a university coffee house tour, what’s that been like?

It has been an experience that I will never forget! It's amazing to travel round the country and meet lots of people like you guys.

Do you prefer tea or coffee? …and why?

I'd say Tea, but I'm not a massive drinker of either really. I sometimes have an espresso in the morning to wake me up though, it's pretty good having one before a run too!

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done in your career to date?

Oooo difficult one! think the coolest thing might have to be playing a gig on the 92nd floor of one of the tallest hotels in the world in Shanghai! Or playing at Pohoda festival in Slovakia with an incredible crowd going mental and singing every word! There are so many though it's difficult to choose!

What got you into making music in the first place?

I really got into music through drumming. I've been drumming since I was 7 and that's what started off my love of music. My dad was a big inspiration too as he's very musical and used to drive me and sit in on all my drumming lessons without fail every single week!

We love your new song ‘Little White Lies’, what were the main influences behind it?

Telling little white lies is something I think everyone can relate too. When you say something and don't mean it to hurt anyone or cause trouble...lots of the times you do it to try and help a situation but sometimes you get caught out. That's what the song is about. Trying to do good but battling with how to please everyone at the same time. Which is impossible.

What have you got planned for the future?

I have a single out Jan/Feb time, which I'm filming next week! It's very exciting! And my album will follow next year...I'm looking forward to getting on tour again with my band. Coffee House Sessions were great because it was a real test of myself and the songs to do everything acoustically, but I also love playing with the full band and recreating the records live.

Thank you for chatting to us!

Thank you for having me :)

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